FBA Small & Light

I am using FBA small and light (S&L) scheme could please clarify a few points.

Does an S&L product get a prime badge on the listing?
Answer: Yes

2. Is delivery longer than a day?
Answer: 2-3 Days

3. How does the £9 price limit work, once enrolled you get an error if you try to change price to over £9?
Answer: They can disenroll it to normal FBA

4. Can some child asins be S&L and some not while under the same parent listing?
Answer: Yes

5. Would you get away with a product that is 2.4cm or less when at the right angle?
Answer: If they are ok to fold it, you need to mark the item to say so.

6. Would you get away with a product that when lightly compressed is under 2.4cm?
Answer: Possibly, but their cubi-can is rubbish. Wiser to vaccum pack.